Tuition & Fees

Tuition fees are set in the spring preceding the new academic year. Below is a breakdown for 2024-2025.

Preschool until 3 p.m*.$10,975
Preschool until 6 p.m.*$12,550
Kindergarten until 3 p.m.*$11,825
Kindergarten until 6 p.m.*$14,300
*Meals for preschool and Kindergarten (mandatory)$1,440
Tuition fee grades 1 to 8$11,661
Supervision (grades 1 to 8)*$2,189
Tuition fee grades 9 and 10$13,148
Supervision (grades 9 and 10)*$702
Grades 11 & 12 and corporate payments grades 1-12$13,850
Meal plan (grades 1 to 4)*$1,717
Meal plan (grades 5 to 12)*$1,789
Grades 1 to 5 (IC) Immersion class -1st year, additional fee $3,460
Grades 2 to 6 (IC) Immersion class – 2nd year, additional fee$2,075
After-school supervision 4 – 6 p.m., Gr. 1 – 6$2,000
Corporate fee (per student)$1,500
* For details see tuition fee schedule 2024/25.

Family fund payable with entry into Kindergarten – one-time payment per family with initial registration payable on September 1, 2024. If starting school during the academic year, payable within 30 days of first day of attendance.


Registration fee per child


Re-enrolment fee per child 


Occasional use of the after-school program (fee per day)

3 – 6 p.m., preschool and kindergarten

4 – 6 p.m., grades 1 – 6




Service fee for cheques returned (per cheque) or rejected EFTs


Interest for late payment

2% monthly of

outstanding amount

The tuition fees must be paid following receipt of invoices as follows:

Option 1 – payment in one instalment:

payable on September 1, 2024

Option 2 – payment in two instalments:

50% on September 1, 2024

50% on February 1, 2025

Option 3 – payment in monthly instalments (pre-authorized debit mandatory):

The tuition fees can be paid in monthly instalments as follows: 10% of the total amount on September 1, 2024, and 10 % of the total amount on the first of every following month. Last payment due on June 1, 2025.

All other invoices are due upon receipt.

The school can grant a limited number of fee reductions. Applications must be submitted to Apple Financial Services which provides a confidential analysis. Registration is required at www.applefinancialservices.ca. Applications are valid for one school year.

School Books

Tuition & Fees

After school supervision 

The after school supervision provides a safe, trusting and stimulating environment where children are guided and supervised by experienced and enthusiastic teachers. Students have the opportunity to complete homework, play in the school yard or participate in various activities. Registration is required for all children participating in the program. Occasional use of the after school supervision is possible in exceptional cases upon registration at the admissions office. Contact: elaboudy-kalz@avh.montreal.qc.ca

School Supervision and Lunch Program Services